Blouse: Rebecca Taylor (similar here & here), Shorts: Old Navy (here), Shoes: Sam Edelman (here), Watch: Anthropologie (here), Bracelets: J. Crew (here), Sarah Chloe, & David Yurman, Bag: J. Crew (old, similar here), Earrings: Lulu Frost for J. Crew, Sunglasses: Selima for J. Crew
Last week my mom and best friend made the trek down to Georgia to spend a few days shopping and relaxing. One night we toured and sampled the local brewery, Terrapin. Hence the stamp on my hand in all of the pictures. Mace even got to tag along, but no beer for her 🙂
Below is a little collage of our Terrapin trip–
Happy Monday!
Dress Accordingly,
Shop this look:
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I am in love with those shoes!! How cute are they, and you!!
oh this is so pretty! i love the shoes, they look so comfy!! hope you had a great weekend!