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Happy Monday y’all! I’m taking a break from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale madness to share something a little more personal with y’all today. I just completed a program that changed the nutrition and fitness game for me. The short version, I love food and my metabolism isn’t what it used to be, and this program was my saving grace this summer. The longer version? Grab a cup of coffee and stay a while 🙂 I’m even sharing before & after photos, which is not easy for me y’all.
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3 months or so ago, an old friend approached me about her new business venture– the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! It was only May, but summer felt like it was well underway, and around our house that means more eating & drinking. Concerts, vacays & just celebrating the warm weather is typically accompanied by cocktails on a random Thursday or a good dinner at our favorite local joint more often than not. Let’s face it, there aren’t that many social activities that don’t revolve around eating & drinking. And if I’m being honest, I kind of love it. For me, there is nothing more I enjoy doing on the weekend than grabbing dinner & cocktails al fresco with the Mr. The older I get, the more I enjoy that and the more I realize I just can’t indulge like I used to. That’s a freaking long round about way of saying gluttony would rear it’s ugly head at least a few times a week (hell, sometimes it was more like most of the week!) for me, and it wasn’t pretty.
So as I heard her out about the program, I kind of brushed it off my shoulder. I’ve never been one to give into to those gimmicky nutrition plans, and I mean, I worked out at a gym I loved, the jeans I’ve been wearing for the past year or so still fit, I ate & drank whatever I wanted and looked “okay” in my opinion. What is it they say, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’?! Well let me tell y’all, it was broke, I just didn’t realize it. I didn’t realize it until for whatever reason I tried to put on my rehearsal dinner dress and I almost cried when I couldn’t zip it. The more I thought about that gorgeous Needle & Thread dress that I wasn’t able to zip the more I realized how blah I felt. Physically, mentally, I just felt ‘blah’.
So I took the plunge. For six weeks, I committed to this program, I found a balance that allowed me to grab a glass of wine on the weekend with my gal pals, and the occasional donut on Sunday morning, while not sacrificing my health. Okay, so I feel off the wagon on occasion, and indulged in Chicago with Tyler. But y’all know the best part?! It was okay! It was okay because I had implemented a nutritional plan that accompanied my workouts and allowed my body to burn the dreaded FAT. These past six weeks have taught me so much about my body, nutrition, what works for my body and allowed me to keep my health on track this summer! I feel better than ever. Confidence & feeling healthy are quite the combo y’all.
What exactly is this program? The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is the real deal. Don’t be fooled by the name. You tailor this program to your lifestyle, and woman of all ages & sizes can do this program AND have success. It is a 6 week program that provides you with all of the tools you need to burn fat, increase your energy, all while feeling stronger & leaner than ever before. You’ll receive a comprehensive guide to the program, 6 weeks of workouts you can do at home OR at the gym, sample meal plans and more! If you have any specific questions, please feel free to email me at glitterandgingham@gmail.com!
I am sharing some of my before and after photos below. Please realize that these are not easy to share, and it is super difficult for me to be this vulnerable with all of y’all. But I believe in this program and I want to honestly share this process with you all. I am not where I want to ultimately be, but I know I’m now in the right position to get to that place. Which is much more than I could have said 6 weeks ago! While it isn’t necessary to do multiple sessions of this program, I am starting my second round July 24th in order to truly make this a lifestyle change. If you’re interested in this program JOIN ME on June 18th!
Shelby, you look amazing! And I LOVE your workout outfit!
Ellen | A Pop of Pink
Shelby you look incredible gal! You are kicking butt!! Props to you for sharing your before and after photos and being very open. I know, I appreciate it and I am sure others do as well.
xo Laura Leigh
You look fab girl (even in the before pics formal!!!) Great work 🙂
I’ve been hearing you talk about this program for a bit, and you look absolutely amazing!! It was so wonderful for you to share these, and you can totally see the results! Eating and drinking out is one of my favorite things too, so it’s nice to know you don’t have to give it up completely! And I’m loving that cute workout outfit you’re wearing!
Girl…you look amazing!!! Keep up the great work!
xo, Lily
Beauty With Lily
You look amazing lady! LOVE those workout pants!
xx, Danielle | Pineapple & Prosecco
I have one other friend who just completed this program and she had great things to say about it as well. Great job!
You are truly a beautiful person inside and out. I always enjoy your post and your gorgeous outfits. Thank you for making this blog.
How inspiring! Thank you for being so vulnerable and having this conversation with your followers. It’s not easy but it’s worth it! You look amazing, girl 🙂
Wow! Sounds like an amazing program! Love your workout gear btw!
you look amazing! great job girl!!!
and love your cute workout outfit!
Wow! Thats amazing! You look great girl!
Shelby, you look AMAZING! What an awesome program– I love seeing the B &a A photos…. what a difference! Way to go girl!
I so need to look into this! Sounds like a great way to lose a few pounds. You look amazing!
Good for your Shelby! You look amazing!! I love that you shared your before & after pics and I’m happy you found something that worked for you!
xo, Laura
You look fantastic!! Working out and eating healthy does wonders to the body, it is amazing when you find something that works well for you!
What a great program! I will have to look into it! Thank you for sharing your before and after pictures! You look amazing girl!!
You look amazing! Thank you for sharing and giving such honest information about your experience with the program. I’ve been struggling to find a nutrition program that works for me. After reading what you’ve had to say and looking into it more I’ve signed up for this next round! Thank you for the information and encouragement!
You look amazing! What I love about this is that you were so open. I look at you and think… I wish I was petite like Shelby… and then you open up saying you have insecurities! Also, after you get married it totally happens! It’s tiny changes that we don’t notice until like you said… that dress brought it to real life for you. I think you look amazing and I’m proud of you for being open and honest!