Working from home has it’s challenges, and staying productive it definitely one of them! Today I’m sharing a few little productivity tips that get me through the days.

Happy Tuesday y’all! I’m not going to lie, more often than not, I struggle working from home. Those who work a 9-5 in an actually office are probably rolling their eyes after they read that, but hear me out. It absolutely has it’s advantages, and I definitely am not trying to complain, the only thing I want to say is that it can be a struggle to stay motivated & productive. There’s no one there monitoring my work or keeping me accountable. And there sure isn’t someone there to prevent me from taking a midday nap, doing laundry, running errands, etc. Plus, it gets a little difficult to draw a line to not work at night, when Tyler & I should be spending time together.
With all of that being said, I want to share my little tips & tricks to staying on top of my to do list when working from home.
- Start your day like you would if you were going into an office. We typically start our morning with a workout, and I find if I come straight home, shower & get ready for the day, it sets the tone for the rest of my work day. The less I let myself sleep in or stay in my workout clothes all day, the more productive I seem to be. I always believed in the ‘Dress Well, Test Well’ Philosophy in college, and this is the same kind of thing. I’ll be honest, I don’t do this on a daily basis, but it works when I do.
- My Day Designer Planner: I love this planner so so much! And as much as I have tried to make Google Calendar, Wunderlist, etc., work for me, there is just something about physically writing down my to do list & my day that just works so much better for me. I love this planner because there is a page for each day, and a to-do list column on each page!
- Apple AirPods: I am obsessed with these things. I use them several hours out of the day. At the gym, while I am working, to take calls, etc. There’s just something about them that makes me zone in on whatever task is at hand. Plus, they’re cordless & bluetooth, so if I ever find myself using my phone too much (aka, social media), I can put my AirPods in, listen to music or a podcast & leave my phone in the other room so I won’t get distracted by it.
- PodCasts: I listen to them all day while working pretty much. They keep my mind from wandering and keep me on track throughout the day. Don’t ask why, maybe they keep me from getting bored. I shared my favorites last year with y’all here, but I have since discovered some new ones, so I might have to do another PodCast post for y’all!
- Get out of the house! Sometimes I just go a little stir crazy being by myself all day, everyday. When I start feeling like this, I’ll pack up my things & head to a coffee shop! The energy alone in a space where others are working helps my productivity so much! My tips for working in a coffee shop: test a few out, find one that you really like, make sure your computer is charged, bring headphones & a to-do list! My favorite place to work in Lexington is Daily Offerings Coffee Roastery. I used to live above their downtown location & was there at least 3 times a week! Since then, they’ve opened a new location off Malibu, and it is the perfect place to get work done. They have large tables, and the space is really bright & open!
And that’s a wrap! These are things that work for me, as someone who works from home. I am always looking for new ways to stay on top of things, so if you have any tips or tricks PLEASE send them my way!
Do the air pods stay in your ear when working out? I just tried and returned a set of wireless Beats earbuds because they kept falling out! Not sure what to try next.
YES! I do burpees, weight train, cardio and have never had an issue! I can’t recommend them enough!