Valentine’s Day is right around the corner & I’m sharing 5 Valentines Day Date Ideas that are perfect for a Thursday night.

His: Mizzen + Main / Hers: similar Pink Sweater (in plus size here)
Happy Monday y’all! I hope everyone had a great weekend! It was a quick one for me, so Monday is feeling extra Mondayish today. Ever have one of those mornings where you try to be on top of things but everything is going wrong?! That is absolutely me today.. But I’m doing my best to make the most out of the day!
But let’s chat Valentine’s Day, shall we?! I know January felt forever long, but I can’t get over that next week is already Valentine’s Day! It snuck up on me. Were doing something a little different this year & I cannot wait! Stay tuned for details! But with that being said, with Valentine’s Day falling on a Thursday, it might not be as easy to squeeze in a date night. I know it’s silly, but I always like to celebrate on the actual day, so today I’m sharing 5 date ideas for your Thursday Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for a Weeknight:
- Have a coffee date! Kick off your day with a trip to your favorite coffee shop with your Valentine (or Galentine!). I love doing this with Tyler. No laptops, no phones. It’s always sets such a relaxed tone for my day.
- Cook dinner. We try to cook Monday-Thursday anyways, but find a fun new recipe & cook it together. Make a date out of it. Complete with wine & dessert of course. It’s the little things like grocery shopping & cooking together that are some of my favorite things we do together. Plus if you cook the meal together, then no one is at fault if it doesn’t turn out! Lol! In that case you order in pizza & call it a night. Looking for recipes?! We love italian, and Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to indulge in some pasta. It’s nothing fancy, but this baked spaghetti is the BEST. Start with this salad. You won’t be disappointed!
- Opt for a staycation. If your schedule/work allows, get out of the house for a fun Staycation. Anytime we do this we always have a ball. It almost feels like we’ve taken a trip somewhere. We find ourselves exploring Lexington like we otherwise wouldn’t.
- Do a progressive dinner (of sorts). Have several favorite restaurants?! Hit them all in one night. Grab your favorite cocktail, then head somewhere different for an appetizer, end up at your favorite spot for an entree & end the night grabbing your favorite dessert. If we were doing this in Lexington:: we’d start at Corto Lima for a margarita (they’re the BEST in town), pop next door to Pearl’s (it’s a new restaurant in Lexington!) for their charred broccoli salad, then head to Tony’s or Lockbox for an entree. End the night at Graeter’s because there really is nothing better than their ice cream! Another route Summit Fritz Farm edition: drinks at Whiskey Bear (their Whiskey Bear Smash is my favorite cocktail on the menu!), shishito peppers & brusselsprouts at Blue Sushi, dinner at Honeywood & ice cream at Crank & Boom!
- Do something interactive. Take a workout class together, have a game night, take a cooking class, go bowling! It doesn’t have to be fancy, just something you can do together that isn’t your average dinner & a movie.
Such a good post! I absolutely LOVE the idea of a progressive dinner, especially for those times where you want to go multiple places but can’t decide on just one!
These are all great ideas! I think we will end up just cooking in on Valentine’s day to celebrate in our first home!