My April wants roundup is a good one y’all! I’m sharing 21 of my favorite pieces you can wear now & well into summer! Think prints & fun accessories!

Happy Friday y’all! We made it to the weekend & I’m capping it off with my recent wish list! Think prints, fun accessories & easy pieces you can wear throughout summer too! Our trip to Italy was in the back of my mind when putting this together so don’t be surprised if some of these pieces end up in my closet! This dress might or might not already be on it’s way to me as I type..
I think my favorites of this roundup have to come down to these jeweled sandals & this dress! I talked about this last week, but J. Crew is quickly working it’s way back into my heart. They have so many amazing spring styles right now. I had a hard time narrowing down my favorites!
I am also obsessing over these sandals & these jeans. I’ve been dying for a pair of cropped flares so I am hoping this pair is a winner. How fun would they be with these sandals & this tank?!
What do you have your eye on this spring?!
I have #11 and couldn’t recommend more! The color is so perfect for spring and goes with so many different items and looks! Need those initial barrettes – so stinking cute!
xo Laura Leigh