This post has been sponsored by Faultless Brands. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make G&G possible!

Happy Thursday y’all! Now that we’re officially well into May (where did the month go?!), it feels like all things spring are underway. Wedding season included! I love wedding season so much. Seeing dear friends or family tie the knot and celebrate love makes me oh-so happy. Plus, getting dressed up is a fun bonus. At least I think so 😉Whether you’re a wedding guest or in the wedding party, I have a little secret to share with y’all that will make getting ready so much easier! Faultless® Premium Ironing Spray is my secret weapon when I want that dry cleaner look for a fraction of the price. I am always the last-minute girl who remembers to take mine & Tyler’s clothes to the dry cleaner the day before we actually need to wear them. They can never turn them around in time, and then I’m stressed about what I am going to wear. This is where Faultless Premium Ironing Spray comes in. This ironing spray that I got at Walmart is used by dry cleaners, so you’re getting the same quality while saving you time & money. That’s a win-win y’all!

Tyler & I are went to a fun wedding celebration a few weekends ago in Birmingham, AL, to celebrate a dear friend I’ve known since 6th grade. Spoiler alert: this is what I wore to the wedding. It was Derby-themed since it was on Derby Day, all I needed we a fun fascinator to complete the look. Derby hats were encouraged for the wedding! How fun is that?! All of that to say we packed some Faultless Premium Ironing Spray for our trip, just in case our outfits need any last-minute touch ups!
I can’t recommend this product enough, y’all. If you’re looking to scoop up a bottle of this ironing spray asap, try your local Walmart! You can even check online to see in-store availability of the product, which makes it so easy to shop!