The holidays aren’t complete without Christmas Traditions! They make the holidays that much more special, and I love carrying them on year after year.

We’re T-1 week until Christmas & I’m trying to squeeze in all the Christmasy things I possibly can between now & then. From traditions, to gatherings & Christmas shopping, it is my favorite time of year. I have always loved Christmas Traditions since I was little, and have loved creating new ones with Tyler over the years. I love hearing about others’ traditions, so I thought it would be fun to share my favorite Christmas traditions we do every year.

Our Christmas Traditions:
- Christmas Pjs: this has been a tradition in our house for as long as I can remember. When I was little my mom would let us open one present on Christmas Eve. We would get so excited, and every year it was matching pjs. I didn’t so much appreciate it when I was little, but I am so glad the tradition has carried on through the years. Now that we’re older, my mom will put our pjs in the mail since we live a few hours apart, and we’ll open them via FaceTime on Christmas Eve. Its a simple tradition that I can’t wait to carry on for the years to come.
- Our Annual Christmas Party: I love hosting and sharing our home with friends & family. It fills my cup, and makes me so happy. 4 years ago, Tyler & I were celebrating Christmas in our first home, & decided to throw a party for our friends. 4 years later the tradition is still going strong, and this year we threw our 4th Annual Back Christmas Party. It kicks off the holiday season & is something I look forward too each year.
- Stockings: Stockings have always been my favorite thing to open on Christmas morning & stocking stuffers are my favorite things to shop for. Tyler & I do stockings for each other & my mom still does them for us when we go home for Christmas. Oh and I like to wrap all of the individual stocking stuffers because I’m a crazy person. Ha! See who else gets stockings on Christmas.
- Giving Back: This is something Tyler & I both insist on doing this time of year. Whether it’s on a small or large scale, it is so important for us.
- Christmas Shopping: This might sound like a silly tradition, especially with how easy online shopping is, but we love doing this together. Gift giving is my love language, and finding the perfect gift is always my MO. We will roam around town to the mall, different shops to shop for our loved ones.
- Baking:: This is a loose tradition, but for the past few years Tyler & I will bake cookies & make chex mix to take to our family get togethers. We don’t usually go the sugar cookie route. This is more our speed.

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