Questions about our wallpaper are always some of the most frequently asked questions around here, so I thought I would compile all the info on what wallpaper we have in our home to make it easy to share & reference!
While I totally get wallpaper isn’t for everyone, I personally love love love it! It can make a statement, or just accent a space like no paint color can. It is such a fun way to decorate your home, and I love that there are options for every home decor style. My home decor style is what I would classify as “transitional” with an appreciate for color & southern touches. Transitional decor blends modern & traditional elements, and I think the wallpaper hanging throughout our house definitely contributes to the traditional side of my home decor style.
It’s worth noting, I am a firm believer in decorating your home for you to enjoy & to not worry about resale value. Might be a hot take given that my husband is a realtor, but at the end of the day why pay for something you don’t love because one of these days you MIGHT sell your house?! But I digress.
As a disclaimer, we lucked out when we bought our home almost 3 years ago, because the previous owners have amazing taste! They had 2 wallpapers installed in the house before we bought it, and they’re still hanging up in the house today.

Our Kitchen Wallpaper:
Schumacher Indian Arbre in Spring
This was such a risk for us & our home, but it paid off in my opinion! We fully renovated our kitchen at the beginning of quarantine (read more about why here & see the full reveal here), and I went back & forth on weather to even install a wallpaper, let alone which one. The layout of our kitchen is kind of funky, leaving us with two walls we couldn’t utilize for cabinets. What better way to fill a wall than with a wallpaper?! Schumacher’s Indian Arbre was the winner in the colorway. I truly feel like it makes the space!

Our Entryway Wallpaper:
Carleton V Jasper Peony in Green Glaze
Entryways are weirdly one of my favorite areas in any house. I think it sets the tone for the rest of the home! This gorgeous paper was installed before we bought our home & I knew it was staying once we moved in. I adore the color & subtle chinoiserie type print throughout. && it laid such a gorgeous foundation for the rest of our entryway decor! See the full entryway reveal here!

Guest Bathroom Wallpaper:
This is the most recent addition to our house & might be the funnest of the bunch! Our interior designer, Meghann, sourced this for us & she knocked it out of the park. It is amazing IRL, and makes such a statement for such a small bathroom. This is the bathroom Baby B will eventually use as well! We decided on this wallpaper before I found out I was pregnant, & it was like it was meant to be in a nursery bathroom.

Dining Room Wallpaper:
Thibaut East Gate in Cream & Aqua Grasscloth
Another wallpaper that was installed prior to us buying this home, & I love it so much. The grasscloth texture adds something a little extra & love how it accentuates the wainscotting in the room. We ended up painting the rest of the room Benjamin Moore’s Buxton Blue to play off the wallpaper & take the room up a notch!
Your home is gorgeous and I love ALL your wallpaper!! I currently live in an apartment, but when I have a house someday I can’t wait for tons of pretty wallpaper. Saving this for future inspo!
xoxo A
love all of the wallpaper and how fun + colorful your home it. such a true reflection of your style and personality! inspiring me to take more risks in our home!
xo Laura Leigh