As a new mom I had zero idea where to start when it came to putting together our registry! I crowd sourced from friends & blog posts, and thought I had a good grasp on what was necessary for a newborn. We’re officially 2 months into parenthood, and there are some items I never knew I needed & other’s we’ve never even used, so today I’m sharing all of our most used items in this roundup of newborn favorites!

Newborn Favorites:
Baby Brezza Pro Advanced Formula Mixer: Think of this as a keurig for baby formula. One button & the bottle is done! It mixes accordingly to the formula you’re using & you adjust the ounces & temperature of the bottle to your baby’s needs. It has to be one of our most used items since bringing Vaughn home. We’re exclusively formula feeding her, & this machine makes it so damn easy.
Baby Brezza Bottle Sterilizer & Dryer: Another product we use multiple times a day & saves us so much time! If you’re bottle feeding your bebé I highly recommend.
SNOO Bassinet: Vaughn has been sleeping in the SNOO since we brought her home & we have zero complaints! Tyler’s cousin graciously gifted us one of hers when her twins outgrew them, so I can’t speak to whether I think it is worth the $$$. I will say she seems to really like it & I believe it has been crucial in extending her naps & sleep at night. If you’re not familiar, this bassinet soothes your baby with movement & sound. You can read more about it here.
These Burpcloths: I just love how soft they are. We’re always reaching for these for feedings, random spit ups, etc & it feels like we have them scattered throughout the house. Buy more than you think you need. LOL
Boppy Pillow: These are great to have for the first month or so. It makes feedings & extended snuggle sessions much more comfortable. I don’t find myself reaching for it as much as I once was, but I still do recommend! I tried the My Brest Friend pillow, and didn’t care for it as much.
Dr. Browns Bottles: These are the bottles we’ve been using almost since we brought V home. We tried some others, but I hated how you could hardly see the measurements on the bottles. When I’m trying to feed her in the middle of the night & it’s dimly lit, I want to be able to see how much she is drinking. They’re also supposed to help reduce colic, decrease spit up, etc.
Little Giraffe Blankets: These are not a must have by any means, but I love love love these blankets for snuggling her, keeping her warm on walks, etc. We have 3 thanks to some generous gift givers, and I make sure we have one on hand all the time.
Baby Bath Support: Bathtime is one of my favorite activities with V, she loves bathtime & I just love it! This little bath insert makes it super easy to bathe her.
Lovevery Play Mat: We love this playmat! We didn’t use it as much the first 4 weeks, but we use a few times a day now that she’s just a bit older. We love it for tummy time & play time, and love that she can use it for months to come. I also appreciate that it isn’t an eye sore in her room.
Keekaroo Changing Pad: We have one in her nursery & one in our room (while she’s room sharing) & we love them. They feel SO much more sanitary that cloth options. I very much appreciate that they’re so easy to clean.
Target Sleepers: I stocked up on these affordable jammies & she’s worn them SO much over the past 2 months. She’s still in her newborn ones, but I’ll definitely be purchasing the same ones in bigger sizes for when she outgrows them. Don’t get me wrong, the Magnetic Me, Kyte & Little Sleepies are far more soft, she has a few from these brands, but I just don’t have it in me to stock up on a bunch $30+ sleepers. I also prefer to have a large quantity so I’m not doing laundry 10xs a week.
Hatch: This nightlight/sound machine is a must have! We keep it on pretty much all day in her nursery nook in our room. It helps so much with nap time & at night.
Aden + Anais: we loved these soft little swaddle blankets! We had them at the hospital (definitely recommend packing a few because the hospital blankets are not soft), & use them for all of our snuggle naps.
Baby Bjorn Bouncer: This was another hand me down from Tyler’s cousin & we LOVE it. It took her a bit to grow enough to be able to use, but it’s such a handy gadget! She loves to bounce in it & it gives us a little break when she wanted to be entertained 😉
Snuggle Me Lounger: This has found a permanent spot on our coffee table since we brought Vaughn home. It’s a cozy place for her to relax when we want her near us but we want to be hands free.
Bandana Bibs: These were a gift from our sweet neighbors & I hadn’t even given bibs a thought! She wasn’t a big spitterupper the first month or so, but as she’s gotten bigger she’s started to spit up more (& just become more of a messy drinker. LOL) & these are must haves for her while she’s eating! They’re so soft & prevent us from having to change her clothes every time she eats.
Artipoppe Baby Carrier: I love baby carrying, it makes me feel close to her & productive at the same time. I’ve used this carrier both out & about & just around the house. I feel like when it warms up & we’re more social, I’ll use it even more. I can put on & adjust by myself too, which is key. *I know this is $$, I am sure there are amazing baby carriers that are much more budget friendly. This is just the only one I can speak to.
Uppababy Vista: We’ve loved taking walks with her in the bassinet! It was unseasonably warm the first month she was born so were were out & about around the neighborhood a lot! She stays cozy & warm in the bassinet & the stroller is super easy to sure. We have the oat color, and I love it.
Eufy Baby Monitor: This is the baby monitor we’ve been using & we really like it! I love that it has an actual camera (& it’s not just on my phone) & the two way speaker. The only thing I wish was different, the battery on the camera doesn’t last super long.
ALL THE DIAPERS & WIPES! We’ve been using the Pampers Swaddlers & these Amazon wipes.