Happy Thursday y’all! I have a very belated baby blog post to share with y’all– our Most Used Baby Items for 8-12 months. I blame the holidays & time FLYING by as to why this is only now getting published! Plus, we have a 14 month old now. HOW?! Our baby girl turned 1 at the end of November & she is growing like a weed. I swear every week she is so different.
There really wasn’t a ton of difference between our 4-8 mo favs & our 8-12 month favorites, but there are some awesome toys & gadgets that were life savers!

Most Used Baby Items 8-12 Months:
- Dr. Brown’s Sippy Cup: This is our favorite sippy cup for water! It is easy for V to hold, and she is always reaching for this cup. I love that the straw is can be covered up and while it isn’t totally spill proof, it takes a lot for it to spill.
- VTech Sit & Stand Learning Walker: This was one of Vaughn’s favorite toys over the past few months. It is such a multifunctional toy, which I so appreciate. She will sit & play with it, and it helped her walking so much! It’s easy to push & I think it helped her gain confidence in her walking.
- Ear Tubes: This is obviously something you can’t order on Amazon, and as a surgery I don’t mention this lightly, but these were such a game changer for our family! Vaughn had chronic ear infections since she was like 4 months old. We found ourselves at the pediatrician at least one a month getting her ears checked, resulting in antibiotics for weeks on end. It was a never ending cycle, and we hated seeing her in pain. We sought out an ENT consultation around 10 months & within 2 weeks she had had surgery. It has been a godsend, because her ear infections have been nearly nonexistent & she has been so much happier since her surgery!
- Joovy Baby Walker & Activity Center: This was such a go to product for us. We didn’t so much use it as a walker, she never quite got the hang of walking in it, but we used it to contain her in one area. LOL. It was great for her to snack in, play in & keep her in one spot if we needed to look away for .5 seconds.
- Baby Gates: Months 8-12 brought on allll the crawling & beginning of walking so it was high time to put up the baby gates! I was resisting putting up the gates because they’re such an eyesore, but once she was on the move — up they went! These are decently easy for us to operate & have several different lock features.
- Fisher Price Fish Bowl: This little toy has brought her endly amounts of entertainment! The songs live in my head rent free, but it’s so worth it for the joy it brings her.
- ALL THE SNACKS: I swear she’s a bottomless pit! Girlie is constantly eating. LOL. Our little snack queen loves Yumi bars, berries, hummus, veggie straws, bambas & pouches.
- Little Tikes Swing: This was gifted to us when she was a baby, but we finally got to put it to good use! Vaughn loves this thing! We don’t have much room in our backyard, so a swingset won’t be in her future, but this little swing takes up very little space & you can take it down when you’re not using it. We love getting outside when we can, and this little swing is such a fun way to entertain her.
Items we’ve had, loved & kept using when she was 8-12 months:
- Bath Seat: It was a sad day when we graduated from our baby bath seat. This one is so great though. She can sit up & is totally surrounded by the seat so I don’t have a fear of her falling over in the bathtub. This seat makes it easier for her to play away in the bath too!
- Magic Merlin Sleep Sack: The little lady is still sleeping in this sleep sack & she loves it!
- High Chair: V started solids at 6 months & we’ve been using her highchair daily now. We took out the comfy insert because she was getting food allll over it, and it’s made it much easier to clean! This is also a great one if you’re on the go or traveling.
- Solid Starts App & 101 Before One Cookbook: We’ve been baby led weaning with Vaughn since she started solids & both of these resources have been so helpful. They made me feel much more confident when starting solids with her! If I had to pick one or the other, I’d go with the cookbook. The cookbook is an investment but I reference it multiple times a week to help with serving suggestions, find recipes, etc!
- Lalo Bibs: These are a BLW must have! They catch alllll the food she drops & I much prefer this brand over other I’ve tried. They’re more flexible, lightweight & just seem more comfortable for her to wear.
- Baby Brezza: A must have from the time she was born & it’s still going strong.
- Hatch: Another item we’ve used daily since she was born. Read more about it here.